Customers love Free WiFi
Have you asked yourself “should I provide free wifi for my customers?’ or perhaps, “my Customers love Free WiFi, but they complain its too difficult to connect to ours.” Customers love free WiFi, and they also expect free WiFi, and that is why, if you do not already, you should give your customers free internet access.
Free Internet access could be the difference between them visiting you or a competitor.

There are several ways to provide free WiFi for your customers; one is to use your current internet router and then hand out a piece of paper with the WiFi ID and passcode on, perhaps stick the details up on a chalkboard.
However, when you are in an industry that has lots of customers who come and go, you need something more, something that requires the customer to log in to your free internet WiFi, without having to ask, look at a chalkboard or decipher the letters and numbers on a piece of paper. This is not the most secure method of providing internet access to your customers.
The other method and one that you have most likely experienced and most people have used is the portal experience. Is where your customers, finds your free WiFi and on connection is redirected to a portal or captive portal as it is known.
From this point, the captive portal has your business logo on, some terms and conditions on usage and an option or two on how to gain access. Some might even give free access, but at slow speeds and then charge to gain faster access, Premier Inn is a good example of a two-tier operation.
With a captive portal, once your customer has signed up, you could direct them to your website, perhaps to the page with the specials on, if you are a café, pub or restaurant.
With the correct system, you the operator can gain access to enhanced features, like;
Limit the bandwidth.
Stop everyone streaming HiDef Youtube Videos.
Define a time limit.
After that time expires they have to request once again.
Turn off the customer Wifi outside of business hours.
useful to stop the charming little rogues downloading all sorts. Not to mention you can sign up to a service that prevents the customer Wifi from accessing undesirable website.
Block customers seeing other customers.
Protect your customers from other snooping customers.
See how many users have connected to your WiFi the last day, or week.
Good statistics showing how many users connected and peak connections.
What my internet is used for.
show the types of data downloaded, not where customers went.
Many systems, like the one that we use in-house, also provide the ability for secure wifi. Great for your devices that need to run and be secure, away from your customers.
Wifi Testimonial

Lucy - Base Performance Simulators
“We have already reaped the benefits of MirrorSphere updating our network and technology, and we look forward to working on numerous other projects with them in the future. I really could not recommend this company enough.”
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